How to Get Affordable COVID Test in JAPAN

*DISCLAIMER: This information is based on my experience when I visited my family in Japan from Dec 2021 to Jan 2022.

For International Travel ?

Free COVID Testing sites are widely available in the United States for everyone including tourists. However, things are not the same in Japan. I was in Japan from Dec 2021 to Jan 2022 and I needed to take a Covid Test to fly back to the States. Most of the COVID Testing for International Travel is around 15000 yen to 30000 yen (about $150 to $300 USD) and that is expensive. So I did a lot of research and I was able to find a cheaper alternative.

Option 1: Official Clinics That Are Recommended by JAL Airline??

Japan Airlines recommends those two clinics on their website.

I did not use them. However, both clinics charge around 15000 yen. (not too bad compared to other clinics) They both provide a covid test certificate with English Translation. I was willing to go with them if I could not find a cheaper option. Their testing is officially accepted for international travel, so many people would go with them to have peace of mind.

Option 2: Cheaper But Not Guaranteed (It worked for me ?)

I went to the Kinoshita Group Covid Testing Site at Haneda Airport a day before my returning flight to the States. They have four different kinds of tests. I did the Quick Covid Testing for 1900 yen. (Yellow one on their website) They will send the result after about 30 minutes through the online portal. You can also download the certificate through the portal.

*Kinoshita Group’s Covid Test is NOT for International Travel. (They are not held responsible in the event of you being rejected from an international flight.) However, I contacted JAL and they said they would accept the Kinoshita group covid test if I add my date of birth to the certificate. That is why I decided to go with Kinoshita Group. I’d recommend contacting your airline to see if they accept the Kinoshita Group Covid Testing Site.

Booth with instructions
Example of Certificate from Kinoshita Group (I added the date of birth by myself.)
Kinoshita Group PCR Testing at Haneda is on U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Japan website.

I hope traveling to Japan will get easier later this year. COVID travel restrictions change often, so please check the updated information before traveling. Feel free to comment below and share any tips!

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